The fragile beauty of roses is perfectly combined with the playfulness of mini carnations in this bouquet. The bouquet is in a tin teapot and Leonidas pralines.
This stunning bouquet combines the delicate elegance of roses with the playful charm of mini carnations. The Garden metal pitcher adds a gentle vintage touch to the arrangement, making it perfect for any woman who loves classic and romantic designs. This floral set is an ideal choice for special occasions or as an expression of gratitude.
Symbolism: Roses symbolize love and respect, while mini carnations represent joy and admiration. Together, they create a harmonious blend of beauty and emotion.
Sweet Bonus: Luxurious Belgian Leonidas pralines add a touch of indulgence to this gift, delighting even the most discerning chocolate lovers.
Order this unique gift set online or visit us at our florist in Prague. Make someone smile today!
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