Bouquet in pastel shades of pink and violet with roses, carnations, marigolds, thistle eryngium and eucalyptus. An elegant gift for any occasion.
This stunning bouquet in delicate pink and violet pastel shades is the perfect choice for festive occasions or as a gift full of elegance. The combination of roses, carnations, and santini creates harmony, beautifully complemented by unique eryngium and silvery-green eucalyptus.
Each flower in this bouquet blends perfectly in color and shape, delivering a sophisticated and elegant look. An ideal choice for special occasions, expressing affection, or as a gift that leaves an unforgettable impression.
Composition of the Touch of Tenderness Bouquet: roses, carnations, santini, eryngium, eucalyptus
Flower Quality: A1 (highest quality), diameter 30 cm
Additional Services:
Free message with every bouquet
Free delivery for orders over 1000 CZK
Express flower delivery within 120 minutes in selected cities
Affordable delivery during time slots (9-13, 13-17, 17-20 hours)
Additional products: pralines, birthday cards, and wines
Order flowers online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague.