An elegant flowing bouquet of mixed species with dominant artichoke, eustoma and roses. The bouquet shines with exotic colors
Want to bring a smile to your loved one's face? Send this elegant Bouquet Exotica, bursting with vibrant colors and joy. The combination of striking artichoke, lisianthus, and roses creates a harmonious and unique look. A perfect small gift for any occasion.
Spray roses, roses, lisianthus, crocosmia, artichoke, veronica, poppy heads, bupleurum, craspedia, eucalyptus, greenery.
Flower Quality:
A1 (highest quality), diameter 25–30 cm, height approx. 30 cm.
Additional Services:
Call to Action:
Order the Bouquet Exotica online or visit our flower shop in Prague Strašnice. Send this small yet remarkable gift bouquet and delight your loved ones!
Platební metody