A stunning bouquet of 25 large roses in soft pink and purple tones, creating a harmonious arrangement that will impress any woman. Perfect for special occasions.
This stunning bouquet features twenty-five large-headed roses in soft pink and lavender hues, guaranteed to captivate any woman. The roses are beautifully arranged into a harmonious composition, enhanced by fresh green hypericum berries, adding a unique shape and a striking contrast to the delicate rose petals.
The elegant greenery of aralia completes the luxurious look of this bouquet. Harmony of Elegance is the perfect choice for special occasions or as a gift that expresses gratitude, love, or admiration.
Composition of the Harmony Bouquet: 25x roses, hypericum, aralia
Flower Quality: A1 (highest quality flowers), diameter 30 cm
Additional Services:
Complimentary message with every flower
Free delivery on purchases over 1000 CZK
Express delivery of flowers within 120 minutes in selected cities
Affordable delivery in time slots (9–13, 13–17, 17–20)
Additional gifts: chocolates, birthday cards, and wine with flowers
Order flowers online or visit us in our flower shop in Prague. Brighten someone's day today!