An exuberant and cheerful bouquet for all who love life and laughter. The colours in this bouquet create a warm harmony of autumn tones.
This cheerful bouquet in autumn tones is perfect for lovers of life and laughter. Large orange roses and santinis evoke the fiery hues of autumn, yellow carnations and celosias add warm sunny tones, while small white santinis bring softness. Additional stunning autumn colors, based on our current selection, complete the bouquet. Decorative green santinis, gray-green eucalyptus, and salal add an airy and breezy touch. An ideal gift for any occasion or just to bring joy!
Bouquet composition:
Roses, poppy pods, santinis, solidago, eucalyptus, celosia, salal
Flower quality:
A1 (highest quality), bouquet diameter 30 cm
Additional services:
Order flowers online or visit our flower shop in Prague.
Platební metody