A bouquet of green Chrysanthemum santini and large white carnations creates a simple yet beautiful floral combination.
This elegant bouquet combines fresh green Chrysanthemum Santini with large white carnations, creating a simple yet stunning visual effect. The green Santinis bring freshness and natural energy, while the white carnations add softness and elegance.
The bouquet is a perfect choice for those seeking a subtle and modern floral combination that exudes freshness and purity. Ideal as a gift or to brighten up any space.
Composition: Carnation, Chrysanthemum Santini Country, greenery
Quality: A1 (premium flower quality), diameter 30 cm
Additional Services:
Free card and flower food included with every bouquet
Free flower delivery for orders over 1000 CZK
Express delivery within 120 minutes in selected cities
Additional assortment: flowers, pralines, birthday cards, and wines
Affordable delivery in time slots (9–13, 13–17, 17–20 hrs)
Order flowers online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. Share the joy with this stunning bouquet today!
Platební metody