A somewhat unexpected combination of beautiful large-flowered roses and cheerful carnations in the company of the "rough" eryngium thistle.
Combination of beautiful large-flowered roses and cheerful carnations in the company of the "rough" eryngium thistle. This bouquet looks very fresh and modern. It is sure to please all those who like originality. Taste buds will appreciate the high quality and especially delicious Czech pralines in a gift box.
Composition of the bouquet: roses Malibu, carnation, eryngium, greenery
Flower quality: A1 (highest quality), diameter 30-40 cm
Each flower comes with a message and FREE nutrition.
Free delivery of flowers with purchase over 1000 CZK.
Delivery of flowers in Prague within 120 minutes of ordering
You can choose a message for each flower and bouquet in the order form.
Order flowers online or visit us at our florist in Prague.
Platební metody