A white bouquet full of tenderness and elegance. White roses, delphinium, gypsophila, and hypericum create harmony, perfect for weddings or special occasions.
This bouquet of white flowers embodies delicacy and elegance. It features white Avalanche roses, delphiniums, curly carnations, and delicate germinis. Gypsophila, known as baby’s breath, softens the look with hundreds of tiny blossoms, while hypericum adds an interesting accent. Perfect for weddings, birthdays, and special celebrations.
White flowers, roses, germinis, carnations, gypsophila, delphinium, hypericum.
Flower Quality:
A1 (highest quality), diameter 30 cm, height approximately 60 cm.
Additional Services:
Order the White Bouquet online or visit us at our florist in Prague. Bring purity and elegance to any occasion!
Platební metody