Spring bouquet with Strong Gold tulips, freesias, and irises. A beautiful colorful bouquet, perfect as a gift for a celebration.
The combination of vibrant yellow and blue creates a harmonious and cheerful bouquet, perfect for spring holidays, birthdays, or as a thoughtful gift. This bouquet symbolizes a new beginning, freshness, and the joy nature brings. Yellow tulips and freesias represent happiness and energy, while blue irises add elegance and tranquility.
Composition: Strong Gold Tulip, freesia, solidago, iris, greenery
Quality: A1 (premium quality), diameter 30 cm, height approx. 30 cm
Additional Services:
Free card and flower food included with every bouquet
Free flower delivery for orders over 1000 CZK
Express delivery within 120 minutes in selected cities
Additional assortment: flowers, pralines, birthday cards, and wines
Affordable delivery in time slots (9–13, 13–17, 17–20 hrs)
Order this refreshing spring bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. Brighten someone’s day and bring spring into your home today!