Bouquet of white and orange roses with hypericum and safflower, paired with Rosé Spumante. An elegant gift with vibrant contrast and celebratory charm.
This captivating bouquet combines the delicacy of white and the warmth of fiery orange in an unforgettable arrangement. White Avalanche roses symbolize purity and elegance, while orange Marie Claire roses, reminiscent of glowing embers or a fiery sunset, bring energy and passion. Enhanced with safflower and vibrant orange hypericum, this floral composition offers a striking visual contrast. Glossy aspidistra and salal leaves add a fresh green touch. Paired with Rosé Spumante wine, this bouquet becomes the perfect gift for a celebratory toast. Let the celebration begin!
8x Avalanche roses, 9x Marie Claire roses, hypericum, safflower, aspidistra, salal
A1 (top quality), bouquet diameter 40 cm, rose length 60 cm
Flowers available for order online or directly at our Prague florist.
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