A bouquet for you, for those who like Chamomile, Eustoma and Sanitini Chrysanthemums. Gift bouquet for a holiday or birthday.
The Bouquet For You is the perfect choice for those who adore chamomile, eustoma, and small chrysanthemum santini. Alstroemeria and limonium add a touch of color and softness, while fresh greenery harmoniously completes the look. This gift bouquet is ideal for name days or birthdays, bringing joy and beauty to every day.
Composition of the bouquet:
Eustoma, chamomile (tanacetum), santini, alstroemeria, limonium, greenery
Flower quality:
A1 (top quality flowers)
Additional services:
Order the Bouquet For You online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. This bouquet brings joy and beauty to your day!
Platební metody