Naughty Bouquet. a bouquet of roses, tulips and freesias in a teapot, ideal for a joyful moment or as a gift for a loved one.
The Playful Bouquet, as we love to call it, stands out with its lively combination of flowers, blending roses, santinis, tulips, carnations, and freesias. Together, they create an original and fresh composition that feels vibrant and unconventional. The elegant touch of eucalyptus adds a modern flair to the bouquet. Placed in a stylish watering can, this arrangement becomes an enchanting addition to any interior.
Bouquet Composition:
Roses, spray roses, freesias, tulips, carnations, eucalyptus, watering can
Flower Origin:
Netherlands, seasonally Czech Republic
A1 (premium flower quality), bouquet diameter 30 cm.
Additional Services:
Order flowers online and delight your loved ones today!
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