A unique bouquet with blue eryngium, spray roses, carthamus, and greenery, offering a fresh, modern design full of contrasts and elegance.
This unique bouquet is the perfect choice for those looking for an exceptional gift for a name day or birthday. The centerpiece of this arrangement features uncommon flowers, such as blue eryngium, delicate spray roses, and the vibrant carthamus (safflower). It is beautifully complemented by eustoma, anigozanthos, hypericum, and solidago, all enhanced with lush greenery. The bouquet feels fresh, modern, and captivating with its contrasts and harmony.
Bouquet Composition:
Rose, spray rose, eustoma, carthamus, anigozanthos, hypericum, solidago, eryngium, greenery
A1 (premium flower quality), bouquet diameter 30 cm.
Additional Services:
Order flowers online, and you'll bring smiles today!
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