An elegant and modest mourning bouquet to be placed in one color. Chrysanthemums of several types complementing each other are used in the binding.
An elegant funeral bouquet designed for laying down, arranged in a monochromatic color scheme, offering a tasteful and dignified composition. The bouquet features various types of chrysanthemums, differing in size and shape, complemented by lush greenery. This bouquet is a perfect choice for a respectful farewell.
The funeral ribbon is included with the bouquet. If you have specific wishes regarding the ribbon color, please specify them in the notes section. Add your ribbon text to the Message or Notes section. Funeral ribbons come with printed text and two ends. Common phrases: "In Loving Memory," "With Respect," "Remembering," "With Love," "Final Farewell."
Additional Services:
Order your elegant funeral bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague.