This funeral bouquet is a combination of three types of flowers: Roses, Carnations and Irises. In a color combination of pink, blue and purple colors.
The Funeral Bouquet Double is a tasteful choice for a final farewell. It combines three types of flowers – roses, carnations, and irises – in a delicate palette of pink, blue, and purple tones. Designed to be laid down, the bouquet comes with a memorial ribbon with a custom print. The ribbon is available in black, white, or purple/burgundy. Please write your message for the ribbon in the notes section of the order form. If you have specific color preferences for the bouquet, include them in the notes as well.
Composition of the Funeral Bouquet:
2x pink rose, 2x carnation, 2x iris, 1x WAX, mix greenery, memorial ribbon.
The bouquet shown in the photograph is depicted in medium size.
Additional Services:
Call to Action:
Order the Funeral Bouquet Double online or visit our flower shop in Prague. We deliver flowers with utmost care and respect.