Large funeral bouquet with carnations, chrysanthemums, alstroemeria, and greenery, with a mourning ribbon. Dignified choice. Prague delivery within 120 minutes.
This impressive funeral bouquet is composed of harmoniously matched chrysanthemums, carnations, alstroemerias, and enriched with lush sprigs of ruscus and rumohra. The carnation, a symbol of endurance and a popular funeral flower, gives this bouquet exceptional longevity. Its decorative and dignified appearance makes it perfect as a condolence bouquet or for placement on a grave.
The bouquet comes with a printed funeral ribbon featuring two tails. The ribbon’s color can be customized in the order notes, and text can be added in the "Message" or "Note" section. Common phrases: "Farewell", "With Respect", "We Remember", "With Love", "Final Goodbye".
Chrysanthemum, Carnation, Alstroemeria, Ruscus, Rumohra, Funeral Ribbon
Express your sentiments with dignity and grace. Order today.