This large funeral bouquet is a very beautiful revival of a funeral farewell. Roses, chrysanthemums and carnations dominate the funeral bouquet
Description: This large funeral bouquet is an elegant and striking choice for memorial services. Dominated by roses, chrysanthemums, and carnations, it brings harmony and serenity to farewell moments. Suitable for placement on a stand or laying down, it’s versatile for both honoring a lady or a gentleman. Available in three sizes – small, medium, and large. The large bouquet measures approximately 1 meter in length and features over 80 flowers, offering a majestic appearance. A mourning ribbon with two ends is included, emphasizing the solemnity of the occasion.
Composition: Roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, limonium, mourning ribbon.
Additional Services:
Order the large funeral bouquet online or visit us at our florist in Prague. We will prepare it with utmost care and respect.
Platební metody