A white mourning bouquet to be placed, with a dominant chrysanthemum. This bouquet combined with a mourning ribbon is elegance for a dignified farewell.
The White Funeral Bouquet, designed in creamy tones with a dominant white chrysanthemum, is a gentle and elegant way to bid farewell to your loved ones. The combination of white roses, chrysanthemums, and gypsophila lends the bouquet a light and harmonious look. This bouquet is laid down and comes with a memorial ribbon, which can be customized with your message. The ribbon is available in black, white, or purple/burgundy. If you have specific color preferences, please include them in the notes.
Composition of the Funeral Bouquet:
2x white chrysanthemum, 2x white rose, 2x tanacetum, 1x gypsophila/baby’s breath, mix greenery, memorial ribbon with print.
The funeral bouquet in the photograph is shown in medium size.
Additional Services:
Order the White Funeral Bouquet online or visit our flower shop in Prague. We deliver your wishes with the utmost respect and care.
Platební metody