Grüner Veltliner Late Harvest Sedlák Winery, you can smell a rich and very distinct fruit bouquet, in which you find lime, pineapple and honey melon
The Grüner Veltliner Late Harvest from the Sedlák Family Winery captivates with its delightful taste and rich bouquet. This wine boasts flavors of ripe summer and exotic fruits, with a mineral finish and a refreshing acidity. Its color is clear with a green tint, and the prominent fruity bouquet features lime, pineapple, and sweet honeydew melon.
Perfect with salads featuring poultry and exotic fruits or grilled eggplant and zucchini with olive oil.
Order Grüner Veltliner Late Harvest online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague.
Note: Sale of wine and spirits to persons aged 18 and over only.
Květiny, které koupíte u nás vydrží, nakupujeme čerstvé květiny od vybraných pěstitelů z Holandska 5x v týdnu.
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