Elegant Pampaska Bouquet with pampas grass, roses, and lilies. Perfect for special occasions, delivered in stylish gift packaging.
The Pampaska Bouquet is a charming combination of pampas grass and striking flowers, making it the ideal choice for important occasions. Dominant roses, lilies, leucospermum, and other flowers are complemented by elegant monstera and green tones. The bouquet exudes a modern, airy feel, bringing a touch of nature to any interior. Delivered in a gift package, as shown in the picture. Each arrangement is a unique creation by our florists.
Roses, lilies, leucospermum, veronica, alstroemeria, celosia, brassica, pampas grass, monstera, greenery.
Additional Services:
Order the Pampaska Bouquet online, by phone, or via email, or visit us at our florist shop in Prague Strašnice.
Send joy and elegance to your loved ones!
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